Dream Sports Latest News - BYE weeks starting.

Jim Halpin jimbo at dreamsports.com
Wed Oct 4 17:13:11 CDT 2017

To all:  NFL BYE weeks:

Remember:  You CAN input a "partial lineup". This is helpful if/when
the following occurs:
  Example: You only have one Kicker, and he is on a "bye" week.
  Example: You only have 5 WR's, and 3 of them are on a "bye" week.

* - BE CAREFUL when inputting a lineup. Whether you enter a partial
lineup on purpose or by mistake, the system will give you a WARNING,
but it WILL accept the lineup.

* - With the early NFL games, you can still enter your lineup, anytime
each week,  before the kickoff  of each of your players game.

.Jim Halpin
> Dreamsports.com
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